Rottnest Island Tandem Skydive

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Rottnest Island Tandem Skydive
Call Us - 07 4051 1120


Rottnest Island Tandem Skydive

Skydive over Rottnest Island, Western Australia’s faourite holiday island. Land on the beach for an unforgettable experience.

14,000 FT Tandem Skydive Includes:

  • Stunning flight to altitude over Rottnest with views of Perth City and WA coastline beyond
  • Exhilarating 60 seconds of free fall time with your experienced Skydive Instructor
  • 5-minute parachute ride with unobstructed views of the island
  • Beach landing on one of Australia’s most beautiful beaches
  • Share your experience instantly with your friends (requires the purchase of an optional media package)



Departs & Returns to Rottnest Island


3 Hours (approx.)

Tour Code:

